How to book multi city flights

If you have understood the concept of Multi- City flights, then you would probably also have a tentative idea of where you want to go and when. To make your task of booking easy, we have given you some tips on how to proceed with your booking.

Also look out for little notes on best practices, put together by fellow travelers whose experience backs their knowledge.

  1. Choose the multi city option on your website homepage and let the planning unfold.

Note: Make sure you have some idea of what airlines fly to which destination and their stopovers. Also look at the costs involved to make sure you take an informed decision.

  1. Beginning from city of departure, fill in the cities that you wish to visit and the corresponding dates.

Note: Using the search everywhere and extended time period tools can help you figure out the cheapest destination to fly to. This only works if you have no set itinerary in mind.

  1. Enter the number of passengers and their details and click to review.

Note: Multi City often proves to be extremely beneficial for families and large groups.

  1. Once the available options are displayed, choose what is most suitable for you. The time and costs will be mentioned in the flight details.

Note: To try and extend stopovers or change flights if may be a bit difficult and incase you want flexibility you should consult with an experienced agent who will be able to amend bookings as per your convenience.

  1. Select your preferred flight options and then proceed to the payment.
  1. Once you are all booked make sure to check about visa’s processing time and documents required.


If you are keen on something that is tried and tested, perhaps have a look at our sample itineraries.