Well, this is one of the worst things that could happen while travelling and quite a common phenomenon which could happen to anybody. It is best to follow your travel schedules properly and avoid being in an untoward situation of having missed your flight and figuring out what to do. Airlines follow a very hard and strict policy of passengers going through the pattern in the manner the ticket has been issued.
If you miss a flight, the following flights in sequence of your travel plans will be cancelled automatically and the ticket as a whole would be considered to be void. Therefore, one must take all precautions for avoiding a no-show on your RTW ticket. A no-show ticket cannot be used by the passenger as it does not hold any value to it.
There are different circumstances under which one can miss a flight. One scenario is that a previous flight on the same ticket had been delayed. In such a case, the concerned airline which has made the delay would put you on the next flight. One of the other scenarios is that you miss your flight. Then the outbound airline is not responsible for the missed flight.
It is best to keep in touch with the airline and our RTW experts team to avoid such kind of a situation. Also, it is advisable to keep your dedicated RTW expert from our team in loop in case you want to miss or have missed a leg of your RTW journey. If there is reasonable time available, then re-routing of flights and reissuing of tickets is possible in some cases.