Many travelers would tell you that it is advisable to always reconfirm your flights. It is in your benefit that you call up the airline a few days prior to your departure date just to make sure that your flight is running according to the ticket/itinerary that you have. This allows you to be certain that your flight will be flying at the time which you have been provided and there are no last minute hassles.
Airlines, nowadays, often change the schedule of their flights and in some cases even cancel or remove the flight altogether. You don’t want to be in a situation where your reach the airport and are informed that either the flight has been delayed by a certain number of hours or it has been cancelled or worst of all, has already flown off. To avoid being in such circumstances, a simple phone call can make all the difference and you would not have to face any hassle at any stage during your round the world trip.
It is important to confirm your flight number, date and the time of departure. Even the aspect of AM and PM is of great significance. Getting in touch with an airline well in advance is also a good idea and one can always ask them to notify you in case of any changes to the flight schedule.
They key here is to focus on those small little things in order to avoid any major hiccups. Reconfirming your flights, is at the maximum, a 5-minute job and spending this little time wisely would help you avoid the big troubles in case your flights get re-scheduled